Sunday, February 28, 2010

Coordination of Beauty Takes Planning

Attending a concert this afternoon I was struck by the similarity between what it takes to produce a work of art and a successful improvement program, a Service Management program, or an attempt at organizational change. Just think, for a moment, about a musical work. It has a writer, composer, and an arranger. Those who play the musical score have studied their specialties be it the Flute, Oboe, Trumpet, Clarinet, or what ever the instrument might be. The artists have studied the music. They have perfected their instruments. Yet these individuals, regardless of how good they may be independently at their respective crafts, fail miserably playing together unless they have guidance: That of a conductor.

Now, the conductor has studied his or her specialty too. But they have also studied the instruments that will make up the piece. The conductor knows the musical piece and all its constituent parts thoroughly. The conductor understands all the parts of the composition, how it fits together, and how it should sound - the end state - once all the pieces perform together. The conductor understands too the intent of the composer, his or her history, and what was embodied in the fabric of the composition.

Yet, after all this, the piece is not ready to be heard. There must be rehearsals. The conductor must know the strengths and weaknesses of the artists who will perform the various parts. The conductor must coach those needing special assistance, subdue those who may be too earnest at one point or another, and encourage those who have the talent and skills but are reserved and subdued. This is important because all parts must work together or risk compromising the intended result. The conductor, seeing the system holistically, must ensure proper flow from one part of the composition to another. The timing, rhythm, and sequence of activities are critical. At all times the conductor must hold dear the end state, the intent of the piece, how it will sound, what it is intended to stir in the audience. To do this takes planning, preparation, training, practice, and character.

In our world we study formulas for success. We hear about critical success factors, risk analysis, project principles, process design, measurement, communication, service design, and control. We talk endlessly about vision, objectives, scope, sub-optimization, alignment, and variation. We have to study to understand all this. There is no denying this is important. But it must all work together.

Might it not just be easier to take an afternoon off, attend a concert? Take some time, perhaps to learn from the masters what it takes to bring individuals together to harmonize. I would challenge you to stop looking for the quick hit, silver bullet, fast track to driving improvement and acknowledge that it requires no less than the discipline exhibited by those who bring us art. There are no short cuts. If we can master that discipline, then our efforts are as worthy as those of a musician to be considered art. And our efforts will be as successful as a orchestration that moves the audience to tears.

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