Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Tools of the Craft

Unprompted, I recently bought my daughter a very modest and less than spectacular gift: A simple fountain pen. To you and I, in this age of word processing, instantaneous electronic communications, wireless and IP voice, such a gift is probably of minimal significance - hardly worth registering on our consciousness. However, to her, this was a real gem. She’s a writer and as a writer, she values the tools of her craft. She has passion for her craft and the tools of expressing that passion are of significance if they enhance expression of that art.

Watch how a musician agonizes over the selection, care and maintenance of their instruments. The same may be said for a carpenter, a mechanic or anyone using tools of any type to carryout their vocations. These “artists” will select the best tool for the task at hand so as not to compromise the end product-the output of their labors. Now, how about corporations? The tools used to generate value for any business is process. Yet why is process not given its due in so many companies? Process is the means of “production” just as a musical instrument is the tool of generating music or a circular saw and a pneumatic hammer the means of framing a home. No musician or carpenter would ever entertain taking a short cut in the selection and maintenance of the tools of their trade. They recognize that proper use of the right tools is essential to the integrity of their livelihood.

So I must ask: Why do corporations not recognize the importance of their processes? Why is it ok to take the easy way out and short circuit process engineering and improvement?


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